Tuesday, July 13, 2010

~hepi chocolate's day~

Semalam ak dapat chocolate dekat cafe paling popular di kuis tercinta..'cafe samad'...Mr Choco bg...thanks Mr Choco!...hihi..pasnie mesti xdpat lagi dh chocolate from Mr.Choco....... tak sangka lak ak de org nk bg chocolate..hmmm..specialnye sbb from Mr. Choco=) ptg smlm dalam kul 4lebih, ak send msg say thanks for chocolate and i ask him,'how much tis chocolate?'..smpai rini dye xkasi tahu..kne cri sndrik la jawabnyer..hihi Selalunya ibu and abah yang bagi chocolate dkt ak..ingat lg mase abah nk gi langkawi, ak pesan 'abah,nnti bawa balik chocolate byk2',mmg banyak abah bw balik sebulan makan chocolate xabis2..hmmm...ak suke makan chocolate cadbury almond&nuts sedapppppppp sangat2 no share!!haha...mase besday ak yg ke20 kawan baek ak alwani bg chocolate suke sgt2, ak simpan lam locker sbb syg nk makan Hari ke3 baru makan sbb takut cair. ak suke makan chocolate tp...xley makan slalu sgt sbb i'm a big big girl at the big big world...huhu...sO, skrg org bg Choco bru ak mkn,klu beli beli sendri x makan!tggu bdn slim bru li ChOcOLaTe..skrg dlm process TrAnSfoRmAsi DiRi..hahaha..mOga pe yG ak nAk dPt diCaPai
**Mr ChOcO thanks for ChOcOLatE and ShOeS diFFeReNt CoLoUr** ***both of thing are cute and sweet***

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